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Microsoft store not opening or closes immediately after opening? Try these solutions

Did you notice Microsoft store not working or not opening after recent windows 10 update? You are not alone a number of users report Microsoft store closes immediately after opening for few others report Microsoft Store not loading in Windows 10. The reason may various From a compatibility failure to failure with an update, problems with dependencies or system file corruption cause Microsoft Store and App Issues in Windows 10

So if you are also facing similar issues with the Store app, here are some of the most effective methods for you to solve this problem.


Microsoft Store not working Windows 10

Let’s start with basic restart Windows 10, restart your PC probably help fix the problem if temporary glitch causing the issue.

If you have recently installed a security suite on your system, that might be preventing Microsoft Store from working. So try disabling the anti-virus and of course, Disconnect from VPN (if configured on your PC).

Clear Microsoft store cache

Too much cache bloating your Microsoft Store apps could lead to its not functioning. Simply just clean the cache, which is quite handy, that most users recommend after clear the cache of the Store app can help resolve the issue.

  1. Press Windows + R, keyboard shortcut to open run,

  2. here type wsreset.exe and click OK.

  3. A blank Command Prompt window will open, but rest assured that it’s clearing the cache.

  4. After about ten seconds the window will close and the Store will open automatically.

Check Your Computer’s date & Time

Chanced there Microsoft Store might not open if your computer’s date and time are inaccurate. This is because the Microsoft Store checks to see if the time it tracks is in sync with your computer’s.

  1. Press Windows key + I to open Settings.

  2. Click Time & Language.

  3. Ensure your Time zone is correct.

  4. Then slide Set the time automatically to Off, wait for it to process, then slide it back On.

Install the latest Windows updates

Microsoft regularly releases cumulative updates with various bug fixes and security improvements. Installing the latest windows update may have the bug fix for the Microsoft store app problem.

  1. Right-click on start menu select settings

  2. Click on Update & Security then windows update

  3. Now click Check for updates button to allow download and install windows updates (if available) from Microsoft server.

  4. Once done you need to restart your PC to apply them.

  5. Updates are additions to software that can help prevent or fix problems, improve how your computer works, or enhance your computing experience.

Disable Proxy Connection

Again there is chances Your proxy settings might be stopping your Microsoft Store from opening, as well. You can try and disable it, and check if you’re able to run your Microsoft Store now.

  1. Press Windows + R keyboard shortcut, type inetcpl.cpl and click ok,

  2. This will open Internet options,

  3. Move to Connections tab, and click on LAN Settings

  4. Here Uncheck Use Proxy Server for your LAN,  and click ok

Disable Proxy server

Run Store app troubleshooter

Run the build in Windows store apps troubleshooter that scan and detects any problems that might be preventing Microsoft Store apps from working correctly. Then, if possible, it automatically fixes these without you doing a thing.

  1. From start menu search for troubleshooting and select the first result,

  2. Here Under find and fix other problems Scroll down and locate Windows store apps select it,

  3. Now click run the troubleshooter to start the diagnose process,

  4. A window will open which will begin detecting problems, If problems are detected then the troubleshooter will try to resolve these.

Windows store apps troubleshooter

Reset Microsoft store

Still need help lets Reset Microsoft store which clears their stored data and sets them back to its default configuration. well WSReset Command Also clear and Reset the Store Cache but Reset is The Advanced options like this will clear all your preference, login details, settings so on and Set Windows Store To its Default Setup.

  1. Press Windows + X keyboard shortcut and select setting

  2. Click Apps then apps and Features,

  3. Now scroll down to “Windows Store’ Click it, then click “Advanced Options,”

Microsoft store advanced option link
  1. Anew window open with options to repair and reset options,

  2. click Reset It will show a warning that the app’s data will be deleted, so click Reset again.

Reset Microsoft store

Re-register Microsoft store app

Here another effective way that probably helps to fix the issue.

  1. Open Powershell as an administrator,

  2. Copy and paste the following command on PowerShell window,

Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsStore | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}
Re register default Windows apps Windows 10

After executing the command restart your PC and check if Microsoft store perform well.

Microsoft store connection error

Apply solution below if you are getting a connection error while open Microsoft store such as Microsoft store check your connection 0x80072f30 or getting error downloading apps.

  1. Open windows registry editor,

  2. Backup registry database then navigate the following path,


  1. Right click on Profiles -> select Permissions then click Advanced.

  2. Here checkmark Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object then click apply and OK.

  3. After that restart windows and open Microsoft store check its working properly.

Tweak windows registry editor for Connection Errors

Create a New User Account

Again Sometimes user profile corruption may causing the issue, let’s create a new user account following steps below that may help fix the problem.

  1. Open the command prompt as administrator,

  2. Type net user username password /add 

Note: Replace username = your username, Password = password for the user account.

Log off from the current user account and login with the newly created user account check store app working properly.

Add user account using command prompt

Reset Windows Update Components

Some of the User reports reset windows update components help them fix the problem.

  1. Press Windows + R, type services.msc and click ok,

  2. This will open Windows services console,

  3. Scroll down and locate Windows update service

  4. Right click on Windows update service select stop,

stop windows update service

Now open windows explorer using Windows + I keyboard shortcut,

navigate to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download

Delete all files inside the download folder,

Again open windows services console and start windows update service,

That’s all close everything and restart your PC, now open Microsoft store and check if this time it performs normally.

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