How to remove write protection from USB and SD card 2022
Getting error The disk is write-protected. Remove the write-protection or use another disk While plugin the USB flash drive? Or sometimes getting Disk is write-protected error While copy data on USB/ SD card Or while format the USB flash drive. Due to This error drive became unreadable, don’t allow you to copy/paste data onto it or format the Drive. Here how to remove write protection from USB flash drive and SD card with 3 easy solutions.
The disk is write protected remove the write protection or use another disk While Copy data on USB Flash Drive While trying to transfer files from my Windows 10 Laptop to an HP 16GB USB flash drive. Its unable to complete the data transfer getting error The Disk is write-protected. Remove the write-protection or use another disk. Now I can neither copy files to the USB drive nor create new files from the USB drive. The disk is write protected While formatting the USB Drive When I format my USB pen drive, it shows the error message – The disk is write protected. I have tried various methods to solve this but all are not working. There is no write protection switch on it. It is an KINGSTONE 8GB USB. I am using Windows 10. Please give me solution to fix it.”
Remove write protection from USB
This error mostly caused when windows registry entry gets corrupted, your system administrator has placed limitations or the device itself is corrupt. Your USB device’s protection policies might get disturbed due to some virus attack. or USB might be improperly plugged out while in use. Whatever the reason, Here 3 effective solutions to Remove Write Protection From USB Pendrive, SD card, Flash drive, External Drive etc.
Try Different USB port
First, check the device with a different USB port or on a Different PC. If the problem with the SD card then insert the SD card on Different Laptop.
Check For Device self-protected lock
Some external devices such as pen drives carry a hardware lock in the form of switch. You need to see if the device has a switch and if it is pushed to protect the device from accidental writing.
Unlike regular USB drives, SD cards still tend to come with a physical write protection switch. Ensure this is toggled before you panic.
Check for Virus malware infection
Scan the device for Virus/malware infection, To make sure any virus, spyware not causing the issue.
Remove write protection from USB using cmd
This is the most effective solution to remove write protection from USB flash drive.
To do this first open the command prompt with administrative privileges. Now, at the prompt, type the following and press Enter after each command:
Note: while performing the steps below you may lose all data from your USB drive. If you have important data on that USB drive we recommend to backup them using third-party backup utility.
select disk x (where x is the number of your non-working drive – use the capacity to work out which one it is)
attributes disk clear read-only
create partition primary
format fs=fat32 (you can swap fat32 for NTFS if you only need to use the drive with Windows computers)

That’s it. remove the drive and restart windows. On next start insert the drive, Your drive should now work as normal in File Explorer
Tweak registry editor to remove write protection
This is another effective way to Remove write protection from USB flash drive, SD card etc.
Press Windows key + R, type regedit and press ok
This will open the Windows registry editor.
First backup registry database and navigate to the following.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM> CurrentControlSet > Control > StorageDevicePolicies
Note: If you didn’t find the key StorageDevicePolicies, Then right click on the control and select new -> key. Name the newly created key as StorageDevicePolicies.

Now Click on the new registry key StorageDevicePolicies and on the right pan right-click, select New > DWORD and give it the name WriteProtect. Then Double-click on the “WriteProtect” key located in the right-side panel and set the value to 0. Close registry editor and reboot your pc to take effect the changes. On the next start insert the USB flash drive and check it’s working properly.
Check Security Permissions
Also, check and make sure your current user has proper permissions to read/write on the disk drive.
To check and grant permission open this PC
Right-click the USB drive and select properties.
In the properties window, select the Security tab.
Select the ‘user’ under the username and click on ‘Edit’.
Check if you have Write permissions If you don’t, check the option “Full” for full permissions or “Write” for write permissions

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