How to fix DNS Server not Responding On windows 10/8.1/7
Suddenly Windows 10 Internet access disconnected, cant reach web pages. And trying to troubleshoot the network problems results from DNS server not responding? A number of users report similar problems suddenly after windows 10 20H2 update. Unable to connect to network and internet and the network troubleshoot results
The DNS server isn’t responding. Your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding.
This error mostly occurs when the DNS server that translates a domain name doesn’t respond for any reason. Well if you are also struggling with similar problem, here apply solutions below to fix DNS Server not Responding On Windows 10, 8.1 and 7.
What is DNS?
Before moving forward let’s first understand what is DNS and why it stops responding?
DNS stands for Domain name server is an end-to-end service that translates and then fetches the address of your required website to enable your access to it. For Ex : ( we provide for searching a particular page into the actual address of the web page. It resolves the physical address into IP address. Because the computer only understands IP addresses ) so that you can access and browse the internet.
But If the DNS Server Stuck, Not Responding, your pc unable to translate the Address and Result from No Internet Connection. Well, this problem mainly causes due to incorrect network configuration, DNS Service Corrupted, security firewall certainly blocked your PC and working as a barrier and more.
How to fix DNS server not responding Windows 10?
If you are the first time facing this DNS server not responding, a simple restart can fix the problem. Restart all network devices include the router, modem, and your PC, and check if this helps.
Temporarily disable security software (antivirus) if installed
Also, disconnect from VPN if configured on your PC,
Perform clean boot that probably helps if third-party service conflict causing the issue.
Open the command prompt and run ipconfig /flushdns to flush DNS cache that probably helps if old corrupt DNS cache causing the problem.

Check DNS Client Service running
Press Windows + R, type services.msc and ok
This will open Windows services console,
Scroll down and look for DNS client service,
If it’s running right-click DNS service select restart,
If it’s not started right-click and select start,
Click apply and ok now check if the internet working properly.

Configure the TCP/IP settings
Press Windows + R, type ncpa.cpl and ok
This will open network connections window,
Here right-click on Active network adapter select properties,
Click Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4), then Properties.
Then select the radio button, Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.
Click ok and make save changes and check if the internet started working.

Also, sometimes switch to google DNS help to fix the problem as well. You can use Google Free DNS
preferred DNS server
Alternate DNS server
After That checkmark on Validate Settings upon exit and click ok. Save the changes and close all open windows And Restart windows Check Internet Connection, DNS Server not Responding issue Resolved.
Reset DNS Settings
If still having issue then try reset DNS Settings by performing the steps below.
To do this open the command prompt as administrator and Type command below one by one and hit enter to execute the same.
ipconfig /registerdns
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
netsh winsock reset

After That Type exit to close the command prompt and Restart windows to take effect the changes.
Change Physical Address
Also, Some Users report entering the Physical address in the Network adapter setting helps them to resolve DNS Server is not Responding problem. You can also fix this issue by changing the physical address of your domain name system server.
Open the command prompt as administrator,
Then type ipconfig /all and hit the enter key to execute the command.
Here look for physical Address And Note down the same.
For Me its: FC-AA-14-B7-F6-77

Now Press win + R Type ncpa.cpl And hit the enter key.
Right-click on the network connection and select its “Properties.”
Then Select “Configuration” to proceed further.

Now move the “Advanced” tab, select Network Address.
Here you will see a category “Value” where you need to enter the physical address you got from Command Prompt.
Click “OK” to save the changes.

Now try to connect again after rebooting the system. This time, it will work for sure.
Reinstall Network Drivers
Corrupted network drivers can cause all sorts of problems. By simply updating or reinstalling the drive, you might be able to fix DNS not responding error. You can download the latest network drivers from your motherboard manufacturer website.
Now open device manager using devmgmt.msc and ok
Expand Network Adapter section,
Right-click on your network adapter and select “Uninstall device”.
Restart windows to completely remove the older driver from your PC,
Now install the latest driver previously download from the manufacturer website
Restart windows and check if this helps to fix the problem.
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