Fix bad system config info windows 10 Blue Screen Error 0x00000074
BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO is one the of most seen windows blue screen of death error. After the recent update of many Windows 10 users are experiencing this BSOD Error. But this is not a new issue, Previous windows versions Windows 7, 8.1 & 8 users also faced this error. You know this type of problem can appear in any version of windows. It is also known as Bug Check 0x74. Else It may appear with the following error codes STOP 0x00000074 (0x00000003, 0x00000002, 0x80087000). These things prove that bad system config info windows 10 Blue Screen can be a serious issue for any user. So, you should fix it as early as possible.
After login into your windows or before that, You may face blue screen problem with the error message BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO with some codes like STOP 0x00000074.
If you want to fix this bad_system_config_info error, first you have to know the possible reasons for this error.
Major Symptoms of bad system config info windows 10 BSOD Error
During working on your PC, Your system may crash with BSOD or a popup box with this error code.
Sometimes you may face a message like “A problem has been detected and windows have been shut down to prevent damage’.
The computer may respond slowly and may stuck on any stage.
Sometimes, Your keyboard & mouse may not respond and it may restart your PC automatically and show you the blue screen with the error name.
You will see an error message “BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO” when you login to the computer in a blue screen.
The computer may stuck and slow down at the boot.
Reasons of bad system config info windows 10
1. Sometimes this occurs with the problems of RAM. If one of your RAM modules is damaged or corrupted, This horrible problem may appear.
2. Driver problems like compatibility issues with windows: Any of your older drivers is not compatible with your current version of windows. this problem may appear.
3. Driver conflict between newly installed Hardware: After installing a new driver, It may affect your system by conflicting with any programs or drivers.
4. Due to bad hard disk or damaged hard disk: Sometimes, Bad hard disk or damaged hard disk may create this horrible blue screen problem.
5. Your system may be infected by virus or malware: Virus or malware infection that has corrupted Windows system files or Windows Operating System-related program files.
6. Corrupted windows registry files: Corruption in Windows registry from a recent software change (install or uninstall).
Fix bad system config info windows 10 BSOD error
In order to fix this bad system config info windows 10 BSOD error, you should apply the below-given tips and tricks. All of the discussed methods are effective and able to solve this issue with ease. And these solutions applicable to All windows systems include Windows 10,8.1 and 7.
Update Device Drivers
These errors can be related to corrupt or outdated device drivers. There are many reasons which can suddenly stop Device Drivers. But you can fix this error easily. You just need to update the device driver to fix the Error 0x74 problem. To update device drivers just go to Device manager. You can update all the device drivers from here. The easy way to update drivers, you just right-click on the driver you want to update and then click update driver.
This option will update the device driver for you. You can also use the Driver updater tool. This tool will update all your drivers automatically. There are lots of driver updater tools on the internet. You can use any of them to update driver.
Install Latest Windows Updates
Make sure your Windows system is packed with the latest service packs and other updates. Necessary patches and service packs are regularly released by Microsoft for their operating systems to fix bugs and other types of issues. These updates and patches are also useful to solve the BSOD issue.
Make sure that drivers of your hardware are updated
Sometimes outdated or damaged system drivers can generate Blue Screens of Death error. This error is directly related with hardware or driver. So updating system drivers could fix the cause of the STOP error.
Repair Damaged or Corrupted RAM
Newly added RAM can be responsible for this error. You can check it easily by removing it. If you don’t face BSOD error anymore then this will be the source of your problem. That means, your new memory is either incompatible or bad. So, you should replace it as early as possible.
Run Memory Diagnostic Tool
If you haven’t added any, that means your old RAM is corrupted. You should run a diagnostic test on your computer’s existing memory. This test will find memory failures and intermittent errors, which could be causing BSOD error. You should use any Memory Diagnostic Tool to run this test.
Open Start Menu and type “memory diagnostic”. Now select Windows Memory Diagnostic app.
Now click on “Restart now and check for problems (recommended). Your PC will be restarted and check for your memory problems.

It may require a few minutes. If it detects any error, You should visit your computer manufacturer website to find solutions or contact with the support team.
Checking & Repairing Hard Disk Corruption
Damaged or Corrupted hard disk problem may create this bad system config info error. To check damaged hard disc use chkdsk command.
Open Command Prompt as Administrator. Just press Windows Flag Key + X from your keyboard and choose Command (Admin). It is for Windows 10 or 8. But for 7, Vista or XP right click on command prompt and choose Run as Administrator. Now type chkdsk c: /f /r /x and press Enter.

You may be asked for restart your PC. Then press Y and press Enter. Next Time when you Restart the windows it will check and fix problems automatically.
Check System File with Sfc / scannow utility Tool
The System File Checker or sfc.exe is a utility in Microsoft Windows located in C:Windows\System32 folder. This utility allows users to scan for and restore corrupt Windows system files.
if the error Bad_System_Config_Info Error (0x00000074) occurs due to some system files are damaged. this tool will fix this. We need to be careful with this as the system will, after too many attempts to boot, lock the drive to prevent damage.
To Run SFC Utility First Open an admin command prompt from Start Menu Search Type Cmd. From Search Results Right Click on Command prompt App Select Run As Administrator. Now On Command prompt Type Bellow Command and press enter key to execute the command.

This Will Check windows for Corrupted System files if found anything this will replace and fix them. wait until 100% complete the process. When it finished reboot your system. Now, After System Restart, you didn’t face any Blue Screen Error if the Corrupt System File is the Reason for This Blue Screen Error.
Repair Driver Conflict
Sometimes driver conflict between newly installed hardware can be responsible for this error. If this error occurs after installing the new hardware device then it might be the probable cause for facing this error. So, you should confirm the newly installed hardware. An easy system to check new hardware, you just have to remove it. If this BSOD error occurs no more than this might be the possible reason of showing this error. So, you just have to be sure by removing newly installed hardware.
Try Starting The Computer In Safe Mode
If the computer doesn’t start normally than you can try starting it in safe mode. Safe mode loads minimum drivers and services, enabling the computer to start normally in case of a corrupt driver or problematic software
If you can’t start the computer in safe mode, then the problem might have been caused by a damaged BCD file. This file contains boot configuration data and repairing it can fix the problem. To fix the BCD, insert your Windows 10 installation disk in the computer and restart to boot from the disk. Once the Windows 10 installation disk boots, start the Command Prompt and run the following commands:
bootrec /repairbcd (The command finds missing operating systems on the BCD and links them)
bootrec /osscan (This command looks for installed operating systems)
bootrec /repairmbr (This command wipes the MBR and recreates it using information from the BCD. This should only be used as a last resort)
Repair Corrupted Windows Registry Files
BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO can be caused by corrupted registries.You can fix registry files manually but if you aren’t any computer experts then you shouldn’t do this. So, it will be best for you to use any registry cleaner. There are lots of registries cleaner on the internet and local market. You can use any of them. You can use CCleaner to fix registries. But never forget to backup before repairing.
Use System Restore To Fix Windows
System restore can be used to restore Windows to the way it was when the system restore point was made. Click here to learn more about how to use system restore.
Hope these tips will help to fix your problem. on the comment box lets us know with option is worked for you.
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