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Top 20 new Windows 10 keyboard Shortcuts You must know

Windows 10 comes with a number of keyboard shortcuts to help people with their daily and repetitive tasks. Basically, Keyboard shortcuts are used to perform computer tasks faster than using a mouse. Keyboard shortcuts can help you boost your productivity and become more efficient at using your computer. Here we have collected some Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Edge Browser, command prompt and internal work.


Microsoft edge Browser keyboard shortcuts

1. Add Current Site To Favorites/Reading List: [Ctrl] + [D] 2. Open Search Query In Address Bar: [Ctrl] + [E] 3. Find: [Ctrl] + [F] 4. History Pane: [Ctrl] + [H] 5. Favorites Pane: [Ctrl] + [I] 6. Downloads Pane: [Ctrl] + [J] 7. Duplicate Tab: [Ctrl] + [K] 8. Select Address Bar: [Ctrl] + [L] / [Fn] + [F4] / [Alt] + [D] 9. New Window: [Ctrl] + [N] 10. Print Current Page: [Ctrl] + [P] 11. Refresh Page: [Ctrl] + [R] / [Fn] + [F5]

Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

Win + I Using this simple shortcut you can quickly open the All Settings window. Since Microsoft is slowly unifying all the control panel items with the modern Settings app, this is one of the most useful shortcuts of Windows 10.

Win + A One of the best things about Windows 10 is its universal notification center or the action center. Using the keyboard shortcut “Win + A,” you can easily open and see all the current notifications in the panel. There is no need to click on that small icon on the taskbar.

Win + S

Cortana, which acts as a personal digital assistant, is one of the biggest additions in Windows 10. To quickly launch Cortana, you can use this keyboard shortcut. When you do, Cortana launches in the keyboard input mode which simply means that you can type in your search query, and Cortana will search for it both in your PC and on the Web.

Win + C 

This shortcut also launches Cortana, but the difference is that the above shost it launches Cortana in Keyboard input mode, but this shortcut will launch Cortana in the listening mode. This shortcut is quite useful if you haven’t enabled or aren’t using the “Hey, Cortana” feature.

Win + Alt + G

If you want to quickly start recording the activity in the current program or game window, then use this shortcut. It will launch the Game DVR and start recording the activity of the active window.

Win + Alt + R After starting the Game DVR, you can use this quick shortcut to stop recording the activity in the current program or game window.

Windows + G – Open Windows 10 Game Bar.

Windows Key + Alt +T -Show/hide recording timer.

Windows Key + Alt + G – Record current app screen.

Windows Key + Alt + M – Enable/disable audio recording (microphone)

Windows Key + Alt + R – Start/Stop Recording.

Win + Ctrl + D – The addition of Virtual Desktops is one of the best things to happen to Windows 10. Using this quick keyboard shortcut, you can create and open a new virtual desktop.

Win + Ctrl + Left or Right Arrow Keys – If you have multiple virtual desktops opened for different works, then use this keyboard shortcut to navigate between the virtual desktops.

Win + Ctrl + F4 – You can use this shortcut to quickly close a virtual desktop. Don’t worry – any opened programs in the virtual desktop will be transferred to the main desktop workspace.

Win + Tab – This shortcut lets you access the new Task View feature in Windows 10 which displays all your opened programs and your virtual desktops.Windows + E – Launch File Explorer

Some Other Commands

Windows + L – Lock your PC

Windows + K – Connect to wireless devices

Windows + PrtScn – Take screenshot

Alt + F4 – Open shut down/restart menu or close the current window

Ctrl + Alt + Tab – This quick shortcut lets you see all the apps that are currently opened on your desktop. It looks like “Alt + Tab,” but you need to use your mouse or arrow keys to choose the program.

Shift + Left / Right / Up / Down – Moves the cursor left a character, write a character, up a line, or down a line, selecting the text along the way. Continue pressing arrow keys to select more text.

Ctrl + Shift + Left / Right – Moves the cursor one word to the left or right, selecting that word along the way.

Shift + Home / End – Moves the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line, selecting text along the way.

Shift + Page Up / Page Down – Moves the cursor up or down a screen, selecting text.

Ctrl + Shift + Home / End – Moves the cursor to the beginning or end of the “screen buffer,” selecting all text between the cursor and the beginning or end of the Command Prompt’s output.

Command prompt Shortcuts

In Windows 10, Microsoft made some small but welcome improvements to the good old Command Prompt. Here are some of the shortcuts that are quite helpful in daily activities.

Ctrl + A (in Command Prompt) – Most of you know what this shortcut does, select all in the active window. Even in the comment prompt, this shortcut does the same thing, it selects all the text. Ctrl + C (in Command Prompt) –   you can simply use the general keyboard short “Ctrl + C” to copy the text or the output in the Command Prompt. Alternatively, you can also use the shortcut “Ctrl + Insert.”

Ctrl + V (in Command Prompt) –  you can use the general shortcut “Ctrl + V” to paste text or commands into the Command prompt. Alternatively, you can also use the shortcut “Shift + Insert.” Ctrl + M (in Command Prompt) – Using this shortcut, you can enter into Marker mode so that you can select the text or output using the Shift and Arrow Keys.

Copying and Pasting Text / Ctrl Key Shortcuts

Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert – Pastes text at the cursor. Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert – Copies the selected text to the clipboard. Ctrl + A – Select all text in the current line if the line contains text

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