Quick tips to Fix Your DNS Server might be unavailable in Windows 10
Experiencing no internet connection problems and Running the Windows Network Diagnostic Troubleshooter results Your DNS Server might be unavailable? Here some Quick tips to Fix Your DNS Server might be unavailable in Windows 10, 8.1 and 7.
There Are many reasons for internet connection problems on windows 10. A number of users report the status of internet connection changes to limited access. And while access a certain website, results “can’t connect to website address” or a variation of it. And Running the network troubleshooter ( by right click network symbol from right side below) results
Troubleshooting was unable to automatically fix all the issues found. You can find more details below. Problem found Your DNS Server might be unavailable
Why DNS Server unavailable?
This problem is related to DNS settings of your ISP or your device. Your wireless router may be the reason behind this problem. If your network cable is not connected to your PC properly, it also can cause the problem. Again sometimes any third-party antivirus, firewall or wrong DNS configuration on Windows cause this issue.
Fix Your DNS Server might be unavailable on Windows 10
If you are also suffering from this problem, internet connection problems or your DNS server might be unavailable. Here some useful solutions to fix your DNS Server might be unavailable in Windows 10, 8.1 and 7. Before applying bellow solutions first power recycle the modem, router, and PC to reset their static memories, Which potentially fix the DNS server might be unavailable or DNS server not responding issue.
Disable VPN/antivirus/firewall software
Try to Disable VPN/antivirus/firewall software if you have recently installed any. Most of the time Such third-party software are known to create an issue. So first Disable Them To make sure that any third-party software ( VPN/antivirus/firewall ) not causing the issue.
Flush your DNS
This is an excellent method to get rid of this type of internet connection related problems on Windows 10. To do this open the command prompt as administrator and perform the command below.
ipconfig /flushdns (To Flush and resets the contents of the DNS client resolver cache) ipconfig /registerdns ( To registers all related DNS entries ) ipconfig /release ( To Release The current IP Address ) ipconfig /renew ( To Renew A new IP Address From DHCP server )

Reset TCP/IP using netsh command
After Flush DNS cache performs Command bellow To fix the corrupt TCP/IP, resetting. To reset TCP/IP again open an elevated Command Prompt, and run the following command.
netsh int ip reset

After performing all the above commands, You need to restart your computer to complete this action and take effect the changes. On next start open the web browser and check There is no more Internet connection problems or DNS server not responding, DNS server might be unavailable issue.
Make sure DNS is set to automatically obtain
According to users, ( report on Microsoft forums, Reddit )Your DNS Server Might be Unavailable problem fixed after change and set the DNS address to obtain automatically. To do this press Win + R, type ncpa.cpl and hit the enter key. Then Right click on the Active connection ( Local / WiFi Adapter) and choose Properties. Double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and select radio button Obtain IP Address and DNS server address automatically. Click OK button to save changes After that open web page to check problem solved or not.

Use OpenDNS or Google’s DNS
If set Obtain IP address and DNS server Address Automatically didn’t resolve the issue. Still having an internet connection problem or Your DNS Server Might be Unavailable error. Then use OpenDNS or Google’s DNS by following steps below.
To do this Again open the network connection by press Windows + R, type ncpa.cpl and hit the enter key. Then Locate your network connection, right click it and choose Properties. When the Properties window opens, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click the Properties button.
In the General tab, select Use the following DNS server addresses. Now enter as the Preferred DNS server and as an Alternate DNS server. Alternatively, you can use and instead. Now click OKto save changes.

Disable Proxy connection
Are you using a proxy connection? Probably, That is the problem. You can disable your proxy connection to get rid of this DNS server unavailable problem. To do it, simply open Internet Options. You can open RUN, type inetcpl.cpl and press enter. It will open Internet Options. Then, Go to the Connections tab and then double-click on LAN Settings. Uncheck everything except Automatically detect settings. Then, Save these settings. After doing it, Restart Windows. From now, You should no longer encounter DNS server might be unavailable issue.

These are the most applicable solutions to fix your DNS Server might be unavailable problem on windows 10, 8.1 and win 7. I hope Applying these solutions also resolve your problem, Still have any query, suggestion or face any difficulty while apply these solutions feel free to discuss in the comments below.